
Ultimate Jet Lag Relief with Infinite Luxury Spa’s Energy Pod

Ultimate Jet Lag Relief with Infinite Luxury Spa's Energy Pod

There is more to a healthy lifestyle than only quality food and getting enough exercise, one often overlooked aspect is sleep.

Making sure the body gets enough rest is an important ingredient in people’s daily routines as it greatly contributes to an individual’s well-being. Lack of sleep results in lowered performance, decreased alertness and in the long-term can cause depression, obesity and diabetes.

Tech companies were one of the first sectors to promote sleeping on the job, there was a time when this was a major no-no. These days, however, the benefits of the power nap on productivity is widely recognised and more and more companies are encouraging workers to take ‘40 winks’. Proper sleeping habits can also help frequent travellers stay on top of their game as jet lag throws sleep patterns into disarray like nothing else.

That’s why The Infinity Luxury Spa at Kata Rocks offers unique jetlag packages inclusive of Nap Pod sessions and other treatments to help travellers to Phuket (especially long haul travellers) reset their clocks to Thai time.

A Nap Pod uses psychoacoustics to give a neuromuscular massage that helps relieve jet lag symptoms and provide a state to deep relaxation. The ‘Energy Pod’ packages at Infinite Luxury Spa start from THB 2,500 (US$ 73) per hour to help guests begin jet lag recovery. Sleep comes quickly during a 60-minute Nap Pod session as one of our highly-trained Thai massage therapist also gives a soothing foot zone therapy treatment.

A private assessment is conducted with each guest to help them personalise treatments. Everyone is encouraged to create their own bespoke package combining Nap Pod sessions with any massage, facial or body treatments to aid jet lag recovery and sleep well-being.

The Infinite Luxury Spa is open daily from 10am to 10pm, please call +66 (0)76 370 777 or email to make your booking today.

Holistic Jet Lag Tips

Travellers take jet lag lightly, even experienced ones; however, it is often a serious condition that can disrupt normal functioning. Cues such as light exposure, mealtimes, social engagement, and activities regulate our circadian rhythm. When you cross time zones, it disrupts those, and your internal clock and the external time are desynchronised. Your body needs to get on the rhythm of its new time zone.

Try natural light therapy
Exposure to sunlight helps regulate our circadian rhythms. On westward flights, get bright morning light at your new destination, and avoid afternoon and evening light exposure. On eastward flights, avoid early light exposure in morning and get as much light as possible in the afternoon and early evening. The light helps shift your body’s circadian clock, so that you feel rested and wake at appropriate times at your destination.

Melatonin supplements
Melatonin is naturally secreted in our bodies and controls circadian rhythms so we can sleep at night. Many believe taking melatonin supplements about a half hour before going to bed in a new time zone helps combat jet lag.

Those who use melatonin and still have trouble sleeping should try a relaxing antioxidant-rich tea, sleep-promoting valerian extracts (add a few drops to water and drink) or a chamomile and lavender-scented essential oil added to a hot bath (where available). ‘Day kit’ supplements can include a ‘D vitamin’, jitter-proof caffeinated teas plus and an invigorating essential oil throat spray for after a bad night’s sleep. Look for one with rosemary and sage as both are known to also help alleviate crankiness and brain fog.